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Friday, July 8, 2011



* is characterized by short stature. Technically, that means an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or under, according to the advocacy group Little People of America (LPA).
* can be caused by any one of more than 300 conditions, most of which are genetic. The most common type, accounting for 70% of all cases of short stature, is called achondroplasia.
* can and most often does occur in families where both parents are of average height. In fact, 4 out of 5 of children with achondroplasia are born to average-size parents.

Dwarfism isn't:

* an intellectual disability. A person who has dwarfism is typically of normal intelligence.
* a disease that requires a "cure." Most people with one of these conditions live long, fulfilling lives.
* a reason to assume someone is incapable. Little people go to school, go to work, marry, and raise children, just like their average-size peers.

Possible Complications and Treatments:

Short stature is the one quality all people with dwarfism have in common. After that, each of the many conditions that cause dwarfism has its own set of characteristics and possible complications.

* delayed development of some motor skills, such as sitting up and walking
* a greater susceptibility to ear infections and hearing loss
* breathing problems caused by small chests
* weight problems
* curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, and/or lordosis)
* bowed legs
* trouble with joint flexibility and early arthritis
* lower back pain or leg numbness
* crowding of teeth in the jaw


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